Friday, April 24, 2009

God help Us All

Whether or not you agree with the US policies of questioning, or yes even torturing, terrorist captives on the battlefield or caught inside the United States, it is time to shut up about it. President Obama has waffled all week on this subject, and in so doing, has succeeded in polarizing the country, and not just along party lines.

This comes at a time when we face imminent danger from all sides. The Taliban is controlling territory 67 miles outside Islamabad, the capital of Pakistan, and likely even closer to nuclear weapons protected by hopefully well armed members of the Pakistan military. North Korea is conducting inter-continental ballistic missile testing, after having already demonstrated the capability of producing enriched uranium, and a nuclear weapon, even if it is of dubious quality.

Iran is harking on N Korea’s doorstep, waiting to spend their billions in oil money for just such a weapon to use in the destruction of Israel, where they believe they can rid the world of the Jews once and for all. I wonder if they know there are more Jews in NY than in Israel. I suppose so, since Muslim Jihadists have had a lot of success in the city, but only after having failed several times. And by the way, President Obama, by way of Joe Biden has forbid the Israeli’s from taking any action against Iran themselves. We know just how successful Obama has been in the foreign leader influence department thus far.

We are still fighting two wars, and whether you agree with one, both, or neither, American blood is being spilled on foreign soil, while the very Congress who went along with the techniques employed are demanding the heads of the Bush administration at the behest of, the civil liberties union, and other leftist groups who care not one damn for the United State of America. Their only goal is to punish any and all members of the former administration as they can, and for what purpose?

Will it help in our economic recovery? Will it change the way Muslims view Christians, or Jews, or Americans, or anyone else? Will it calm the moral outrage at the thought of the U.S. torturing prisoners? Is this the first time Americans have ever tortured prisoners of war? If you believe that Marines on Guadalcanal or paratroopers in France didn’t twist the arms of prisoners in the heat of the battle to learn the location of valued assets then you are ignoring the ugly truths of war. War is hell. There is blood, and guts, and dead bodies, the stench is terrible. Their is flesh rotting off the bone while soldiers and civilians alike walk right by. If you think Americans haven’t tortured prisoners before, you are mistaken. But don't forget this one pertinent fact. Terrorists are not covered by the Geneva convention. They do not wear uniforms, carry flags, have armbands, or in any way identify themselves as combatants. Sometimes they are even children with bombs strapped to their bodies. The Geneva convention spells out rules for prisoners of war. If an enemy combatant is caught fighting out of uniform under the rules of the Geneva convention, the penalty is death.

Were it not the constitutional right of the President of the United States, President Obama could be guilty of giving aid and comfort to the enemy in a time of war by the making public the contents of secret documents. Nancy Pelosi is doing the same even now, by demanding an investigation into the previous administration. She was one of eight in Congress that were briefed more than 30 times by the CIA starting in 2002. Now she doesn't remember that they were actually water-boarding, just talking about doing it. What a farce, but no worse than other ridiculous positions coming from the esteemed speaker. How dedicated to intelligence gathering do you believe the CIA operatives are right now? How willing to advise the president, or the military on the rules of engagement, do you believe government attorneys are today? What possible effect could that have on the safety of Americans in Iraq, Afghanistan, and even here in our own country? I think the answer is obvious to any thinking American.

President Obama is about 10 years away from being the kind of leader we needed on Jan 20, 2009. He had two years in the Senate, but didn’t actually take much of a part in governance, as he was campaigning the entire time. He hasn’t led a business, a city, county, state, and as far as you can tell from his rhetoric, he couldn’t lead a good sized group of Masons. Changing your position on a topic of this magnitude after the outrage of political cronies, then re-reversing himself when the daily Rasmussen polls came out is the sign of a man who can’t decide whether he has to take a leak or not.

He has completed an apology tour across Europe. To what end? He has been to Latin America, where he was upstaged by the brutal dictator Hugo Chavez, and sat through a 50 minute diatribe of the sins of the great Satan, United States, by Daniel Ortega. He only remarked that he was glad Ortega didn’t blame him for something that happened when he was three. To what end? The president of the United States has no idea he is leading the free world. He still believes he is Barack Obama, charismatic, good looking, Harvard educated, liberal, hoopster, who can charm his way into changing the minds of the Arabs and Israeli’s by the sheer force of his own personality. He takes defeat well, because he can’t admit defeat. He takes criticism well, but he can’t admit mistakes.

He is leading us along a socialist Fascist leaning path domestically, while putting Americans in harms way here at home and on foreign soil, by declassifying documents outlining the policies and limits of American resolve in the face of danger. He does so ignoring the dissent of four former, and his current Director of the CIA. How can one man be so arrogant as to ignore all those who went before him? He does so out of a sense of responsibility for political pay back to his supporters. He did not get elected by accident. There is some real money behind Barack Hussein Obama. He has been placed in the highest office of the land to be puppeted by someone. Maybe a great deal of someone’s., the civil liberties union, Acorn, AFL/CIO, are the most obvious, but who else is behind this remarkable run to the presidency? Oh well, there is GE, and with NBC as their spokesperson, a lot of little minds can be melded on a daily basis. It has worked so well, that CNN is joining the fray, while making Foxnews out to be the biased network. Even all this obvious support and media control, there still has to be another force behind the man. I predict we will find out, and hopefully it won't be too late for our country.

I, for one, am terrified of what he is doing to The United States of America. He has blasted us on a daily basis with an ever increasing amount of bad news and national emergencies, and used the fear to bend the populace, the law, the Congress, and worst of all, a majority of the folks, into believing he can all by himself make everything better. I have heard young women at rallies say, I won’t have to worry about my rent anymore, I won’t have to worry about the cost of gas, I won’t have to worry about losing my job. And then those who just say, I want. I want mine. I want my health care. I want my mortgage adjusted. I want my billions to keep the bank open, to keep my factory running. And so far he hasn’t turned many down. Does anyone not understand that somebody has to pay for all this?

Bush started this Socialist agenda to be sure, but Obama has taken it to a whole new level. The last numbers I saw, including all the debt we are backing with federal funds, the TARP, Stimulus, and new social spending has driven the bill to near 20 trillion dollars. The debt of our country would require 10s of thousands, up to around $40,000 per American to pay off by 2012. If we could do it, I would pay my part, no questions asked, just to have our assets and liabilities equal zero at the bottom of the page. I would do it in a minute, as long as we were required that we never spend more than we have, and that we limit elected representatives to one term per office per lifetime. We could then govern ourselves in the same manner we serve on jury duty. And one more law would have to passed. Absolutely no lobbying or lobbyists. Lobbying an elected official would constitute exactly what it is, bribery, and a federal felony charge with minimum prison terms of at least 5 years for the first offense.

Have you ever gone on a shopping binge with credit cards, and kept spending and spending until you could only pay the minimum every month? That is precisely what President Obama and the 111th Congress are doing right now. And they are telling us it’s OK. We will fix it later once we get past this economic crisis. Do you believe that? How many of us did it in our 20s, or even 30s, but we learned our lesson. Do you understand that private business cannot flourish until the government gets out of private business? And Government can’t get out of private business until private business flourishes? It is a classic Catch-22, and the endgame is a European Democracy, instead of the republic for which Americans have fought and died to protect in more wars than I care to remember. When government spending reaches 30 to 40% of GDP, and most of us, who actually have jobs, work for the government, and there is virtually nothing produced domestically, the economy will be declared out of danger of imminent failure. If it goes that far, there will be no going back. The great American dream, the American swagger, and the ability of a nation to rise up and take on any emergency will be left for the history books. It will be distorted. the liberals writing the history will declare the socialization of America as a resounding success. But our heart and soul will be no more as a Nation.

Socialist policies do not work. It has been proven over and over and over in every civilization that has ever attempted to live by the creed of; "from each according to his ability, to each according to his need.” That is the ultimate defining argument for the re-distribution of wealth. I hated the Joe the Plumber personality that evolved during the last presidential campaign, but as disgusting as it was, that guy was correct. Obama fully intends to make this country a Socialist nation, so that he can accomplish the liberal goals of national health care, elimination of fossil fuel dependence, equal economics for all classes of people, even if they don’t deserve equality. They just have to need it. To his credit, Bill Clinton reformed the welfare state we found ourselves in, in the 90s. Obama is making short work of eliminating all the policies that required anyone on welfare to get a job or be cut from the welfare rolls.

There are many who will read my words and call me a racist, right wing radical, or other derogatory names, but the fact is, I didn’t vote for Obama, but I was excited when he won. I saw some positives in those first few weeks of November that made me believe we could solve some of the racial issues plaguing our country for so long. I saw new hope and a new manner in people on the street. In short, I drank the kool-aid. I was fooled by the vibrancy of the man. I still do see some of that, but I also see the terrible dark side. I see what is happening. I know where it leads, and I know the price we will have to pay. This is not a democratic or republican issue. This is the future of our country. Perhaps the Great American Tea Party can replace one of the two parties, or perhaps we can elect our own representatives. We have to make a difference starting now, while we have some momentum and the support of so many.

Have you even considered the impact of the cap and trade policy making its’ way through Congress right now? This is effectively a new tax on every thing manufactured in the U.S. A new tax on gasoline, heating oil, coal, electricity, and the taxes aren’t cheap either. They are substantial, and it will require an entirely new Federal Department of bureaucrats to manage it. The bill for creating and maintaining that bureaucracy will be staggering alone. On the personal level, every household will pay hundreds to thousands extra in taxes to pay businesses to barter the rights to energy, while subsidizing other businesses to use energy solutions not capable of sustaining our needs.

The end result will be the elimination of thousands more jobs, as companies will move what little manufacturing capabilities we have left in this country offshore to Mexico, China, India, or anywhere they can get available power. And for what? The U.S. carbon emissions currently represent 5% or less of the overall problem, and there is still no proof that carbon emissions are actually contributing to global warming. When I was a young man, the same issues were considered to be causing the opposite. The pollution was gathering in the upper atmosphere, blocking out the sun’s rays, and we were ultimately going to have another ice age. Maybe I’m just a skeptic, and science is always proving history wrong, but until the proof is widely accepted as the proof, I wouldn’t want to ruin the nation’s economy, at a time when the economy is already in shambles. Who would?

Obama would. He would so that he can continue to control another facet of society. He already controls the banks by virtue of the TARP program. He will not allow the banks to pay the money back. Just this week he took over the credit card companies. He is going to take over medical care from the insurance companies, or at the very least control the insurance companies, doctors, hospitals, drug companies, and science. He is going to wrest control of education from the states, along with the property taxes to pay for it. He will effectively control the nation’s energy production the minute cap and trade legislation is signed. Those same cap and trade policies have paralyzed Europe. Have you been to Europe lately where gas is four or five times higher than here? They sell it in liters, so it doesn’t seem to be that high at first glance. The first time you pull into a petrol station, the numbers look similar.

That is sort of similar to the way the new administration changes terminology. We now have overseas contingencies, instead of the War on Terror. We have man made disasters instead of terrorist acts. It doesn’t sound as bad does it? Do you think the blood is any less red? Or if less people will actually die when a man made disaster happens relative to the same act of terror? Somehow I just don’t think so.

We still have no idea how Obama intends to tackle our biggest financial issues. Social Security, medicare, medicaid, and the Bush prescription drug plan are currently unsustainable. Taking over all health care is going to somehow reduce those costs. The first act of this plan is to set aside $650 Billion to get us started. The actual cost will be in the trillions, but it is going to magically reduce our already unsustainable costs to provide medical care for retirees. If you believe that I have a bridge in Alaska I would like to interest you in. Finally, there is unemployment. Are we all going to work for the government?

God help us all!

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