Monday, December 28, 2009

The Time IS Now!

How many times did Al Qaeda attempt terrorist attacks on American soil between 12 September 2001, and 20 January 2009? The question is of course rhetorical today, as the Jihadists take credit for the failed attempt in Detroit on Christmas Day. But did it really fail? We lost no lives due to blind luck of a failed detonator, and the heroism of a Dutch National, but are we not terrorized anyway? How much will we spend in capital as well as our time undergoing new airport and in flight rules created by incompetent government bureaucrats? It is sadly but truly believable, as Al Qaeda striking the heartland of America on Christmas, would have been a huge feather in the cap of radical Muslims around the world. We would have again suffered the indignity of Muslims dancing in the streets, celebrating the deaths of innocent Americans, even as Iranians are being shot dead in the streets of Tehran for protesting the evil empire of the Islamic Republic of Iran, that our President appears so dedicated to repeating every time he has the opportunity.

I was no particular fan of George W. Bush, but I would give a month of Sundays to have him back in the White House right now. He was a RINO for sure with respect to domestic spending policy, but the man kept the blood thirsty radicals from killing Americans in America after the attacks on 9/11. Al Qaeda becomes more and more emboldened every day Barack Obama is in office. Whether that fact is due to his apology tour, and weak kneed responses to the Iranians and North Koreans, or the total lack of leadership on the part of the administration is a matter for debate, but the fact that we now regularly experience terrorist activities in our own country is indisputable. To date we haven’t had another cataclysmic terrorist attack, but the likelihood of just such an incident is becoming exponentially greater each time the President downplays an event by refusing to name the terrorists, as terrorist Muslims, or their acts, as acts of radical Islamic terrorism.

Janet Napolitano's reluctance to call a terrorist a terrorist is also in part to blame for Al Qaeda's bold actions. Our own government apparently fears political criticism much more than it fears the loss of life of its' own citizens. Domestic policy aside, the time for Americans to step up to the plate and demand, at the very least, competent leadership, has long since passed.

Foxnews has taken the only lead in ferreting out the communists, Maoists, and socialists in this administration. Saul Alinsky and Mao are looked to for guidance in running the government by multiple members of the president’s staff, by their own admission, while the outline for socialist victory, written in prison by the husband of a United States Congresswoman, is followed to the letter by the Senior Staff of the White House, even while we are obviously in grave danger in our own cities, towns, and homes!

Government take over of the banks, insurance companies, auto manufacturers, as well as the energy and medical industries are foremost on the mind of our president and his Czars, cronies, and Chicago style henchmen. George Bush spent every waking hour of his administration after 9/11 trying to keep us safe, and paid little attention to the ever growing domestic issues that ultimately led to the catastrophic economic crisis in the fall of 2008.

Is there no middle ground in this country anymore? More than half of all Americans now see China as having overtaken us as the leaders of the world. Have you been to China lately? It is a country of primarily indigent farmers outside the large polluted cities, and a growing percentage of young male factory and construction workers who must be kept busy by their government, with very little education, struggling to overcome the agrarian poverty to which they have been relegated for centuries. Yet the Chinese government holds trillions of our dollars as collateral for the loans they have made us, to finance the two wars we wage, and for the out of control domestic policy of the Democratic Socialist Majority running our government.

Is there no man or woman in our Congress willing to step back, see the world as it is, and take the high road politically, to lead the country out of the abyss of failure? We are a failing nation! Our educational system is failing, even while the teachers unions are given more political clout than the teamsters ever thought possible. Our housing market is failing, even while the President writes a blank check to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. Our monetary system is failing, even while the Fed prints trillions of dollars to monetize the debt our grandchildren will be saddled with. Our manufacturing industries are failing, even while our industrialists are paying the Chinese to manufacture sub-standard products for our consumption, at the price of jobs for our citizens. Our government is failing as our Congress refuses to believe the millions of Americans rallying around the Constitution are really the people they were elected to serve.

We are at the crossroads of freedom or serfdom. What we do in the year 2010 will determine our future for generations. Will Americans stand up and take our government back? Will we demand that our states nullify the actions of a federal government trying to bully its way into the board rooms, living rooms and doctor’s offices of our citizens? Will we toss out those in the 111th Congress who have refused to work together to solve problems, and instead have created an air of partisanship unlike any we have ever seen in our history? Will Americans toss aside the divide we face left to right? Will every American due diligence, register to vote, and vote his conscience? Or will we continue to vote in disgraceful percentages and leave our country belly-bared for the vultures of the Socialist regime now destroying the greatest nation the Earth has ever known?

We have two grave dangers facing us today. First, we have the Jihadists waging war on us, just for not being Muslim. We must take this seriously. We may have to take extremely drastic action to win this war. They smell blood in the water since BHO took office, and it is showing up increasingly in the 24 hour news cycle. Our only course may very well be to kill many more of them than they can possibly kill of us!

We also face the acutely real dangers from within. Our own Declaration of Independence says in part;

"That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security."

We are at that point in our history again today, just as we were in 1776!

Is it not true our government today has failed in its’ charter? Our President has taken up his own beliefs in direct opposition to our founding documents, and is indeed by the force of the state seeking to control every aspect of our society. We are being misrepresented on the world stage by our Executive Branch. We are being routinely ignored by the Legislature, who writes 2000 page bills that not one can comprehend. Our courts have struck down our very founding principle of claiming our unalienable rights granted by the creator and have removed God from every aspect of our lives! How could we not be compelled to act under such circumstance?

I choose to believe we will rise up, just as we did more than 233 years ago, when faced with tyranny. We beat all odds when a few great men rallied the citizens of Boston, and then convinced the rest of the colonies to stand up for freedom and toss out the oppressive government that did not recognize the rights all men have granted to them by the creator. Our nation was founded under God, in spite of what Barack Obama tells the world. We are a nation founded on the principles of Christianity, and so we remain today by at least an 80% margin. We have ten months and a few days to band together. We already have the leadership. We have millions already banded together in the Tea Parties, and other constitutionally founded organizations, in spite of the LameStream media's attempt to marginalize the movement by under reporting the numbers at every turn. We need now to act, together, as Americans do when the rallying cry is heard! It is time to show the government who is in charge.

We can do so without violence. We have the vehicle in our Constitution and The Declaration of Independence, we have our voices around which we can rally, and we have our vote, which is more powerful than any cannon, musket ball, or foreign Navy our fore fathers had at their disposal!

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