Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Every day brings another outrage against the American people and every weekend is reserved for another action contrary to the Constitution. Apparently the government does realize in a perverse way that some things will get less press if announced on the Sunday talk shows. By Monday, both parties and the press will have watered down the message such that it becomes palpable to the public, at least to the vast majority of people who do not take the time to figure out reality for themselves and allow NBC, CBS and their local paper to inform them what is happening. For this to happen in the age of information is simply unbelievable. What are people using the internet for. Is it all games and porn?

We have the ability to obtain any information we desire to know, and yet we allow the government to bastardize our society, and our constitution on a daily basis. There is some resistance, but it is very minor relative to the scope of the government’s assault on our rights.

Just look at the past week. Just a few, a punitive 90% post facto tax on AIG employees, specifically addressed in the constitution as not possible; removing the right to a secret ballot in unionizing corporations; assuming the power to take over corporations the government deems “dangerous” to the economy. Dangerous is not defined in any way, just left to the discretion of Timothy Geithner, our tax cheat Treasury Secretary. The president is running around Hollywood on the Tonight Show, 60 minutes trying to convince America that we cannot survive without his 3.8 trillion dollar budget. He has the audacity to say that growth isn’t possible without expanding government, and doubling the debt. Forget that we have managed to grow for over two hundred years without such a government. As a matter of fact we grew a great deal prior to even having an income tax.

How long do you think it will be until the recent tax cuts are repealed and new tax increases are implemented for everyone. The president’s budget is not sustainable over time. The percentage of debt relative to GDP cannot be sustained more than a few years. Our government will have one of three choices in the next 4 years. We will default on our debt……..not a chance, we will monetize the debt and create hyper inflation….we are already doing that to the tune of one trillion dollars, or we can raise the tax rates to levels where the size of government can be sustained…..what are those marginal rates……double the current 35% high to 70%, still less than where we were in the 60s, 50% for the middle class, and 25% for those who pay zero now. There will be political fallout for sure, but by that time we will be in the middle of the government bubble and have very few choices for continuing to exist.

Obama says he will cut the deficit in half, while ignoring what the bi-partisan Congressional Budget office says about the same numbers. The General Accounting Office also agrees the administrations numbers are full of assumptions that are totally unrealistic, such as year over year growth at the 3, 4, and 5 % range while we are in a depression. This man and the democratic congress are determined to do just what Norman Thomas said many years ago. We are at that point in history today.

A Page From History

Norman Mattoon Thomas (November 20, 1884 to December 19, 1968) was a leading
American socialist, pacifist, and six-time presidential candidate for the
Socialist Party of America .

The Socialist Party candidate for President of the U.S. , Norman Thomas, said
this in a 1944 speech:

"The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism. But, under the
name of "liberalism," they will adopt every fragment of the socialist
program, until one day America will be a socialist nation, without knowing
how it happened.! "
He went on to say: "I no longer need to run as a Presidential Candidate for
the Socialist Party. The Democrat Party has adopted our platform."

"The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's

~~Margaret Thatcher~~

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