Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Crumbling or Tumbling Down?

Why is it that only Israel and the United states appears willing to defend freedom and liberty anywhere on the planet? An even better question is why are we hated for doing so? The world maritime industry is allowing flocks of teenagers with automatic rifles and motorized rubber boats to bring shipping to a virtual standstill around the Horn of Africa. See the article at

Shipping industry leaders will not even arm two or three security guards on each ship to prevent what was an estimated $80 million Somali industry in 2008. In fact, piracy has replaced fishing as the career choice most admired by the Somali public. What kind of world do we live in that has allowed a country of 6 million inhabitants to go ungoverned, and out of control for more than 15 years? Even the United States did not retaliate when Somali gangs murdered United States Marines and drug their dead bodies mutilated though the streets. We made a great movie about it, but did nothing.

The U.S. flagged Maersk Alabama's crew and the Navy Seals did afford Americans some modicum of success last week, but only after rookie President Barack Hussein Obama twiddled his thumbs for 3 days and missed his chance to blow the lifeboat out of the water, when the Captain heroically jumped out of the boat into the sea. Naval personnel had not been given the rules of engagement at the time the Captain jumped ship. What a cluster buck it would have been if the Seals had not pulled it off later, once the Pirates were tricked into allowing the Navy to cinch a line to their drifting vessel. This is just proof that the Somali Pirates are a ragtag bunch of kids, who would be stealing pocketbooks and dealing drugs on the streets of most major cities. And yet, they continue to be the nemesis of the world's mariners, only because the world is afraid of arming sailors. Where would we be if Spain and Italy had been afraid to arm sailors 500 years ago? Better off, some would arguably say? I don't think so.

How is the world to deal with Iran, N Korea, or Pakistan when we can't control a couple of hundred teenagers with rifles? Is it any wonder the United Nations is a gutless organization, full of liberals, who take our money and condemn our way of life? Everyone hated George Bush, but at the least he became feared by the world's criminal element.

Mr. Obama is throwing that respect out with the bathwater. So far, he has been humiliated by the leaders of N Korea, Iran, Cuba, and now Venezuela? As long as they don't blame him personally, he is OK with anything they might say about the U.S. How is it that we went from the ultimate cowboy in Bush to Jimmy Carter with a biceps, a suntan, and a muslim heritage? Where is he leading us? Will we ever see 2012 as a nation? Probably, but there is a chance we won't, and I have never even considered that possibility in my lifetime before, nor believed it would occur in the next few centuries. Now, I'm not sure we will last as a free country until the next election cycle.

That is a scary feeling, and even scarier is that it isn't my idea. Americans all over the county are arming themselves to the teeth. Building in ground shelters, putting up one, two, even three years worth of food, supplies, solar powered generators, fuel, and batteries of all kinds. This is in addition to taking money not only out of investment accounts, but out of the banks and into cash or gold to be buried for the day when there won't be any to be found. Gun stores are thriving, ammunition is running out already and our government is doing everything possible to limit the manufacture of any additional ammo. Jobs are still being lost at a rate of 600,000+ a month, and the press is trying to convince us that there are rays of hope, signs that the economy is improving. What are we, idiots? Have you been out of the house lately? The United States is crumbling all around us. regular folks have taken to the streets, in Tea Parties, to protest our out of control federal, state, and local governments, but they are ignoring us. In fact, they are saying we are just right wing extremists. They will still be saying that when they start locking us up for proitecting our homes. I guess it's time to build a really big fence, with a moat or something, at least some booby traps. Or maybe we could just hire Israelis's to come over here and protect us. We could trade the use of our military, as we already know Obama won't use it.

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